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Better life for people

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!
Forget what you can get and see what you can give.

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Together we
can make a difference

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!
Forget what you can get and see what you can give.

Join with us
Join us today

Give a little. Change a lot.

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who needs helping!
Forget what you can get and see what you can give.

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Make Donation

By making a donation to our NGO, you are empowering us to continue our vital work in serving our community

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By participating in our fundraising initiatives, you become a crucial part of our mission, helping us raise the necessary funds to achieve our goals

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Become a volunteer

Are you ready to be the change you want to see in the world? Join us as a volunteer and become an essential part of our mission.

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Elisabeth Tiku CEO & Founder of FWCDEV.

The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the people.


Our History

FWCDEV has a rich history that founded in 2011, our organization has since pursued an inspiring journey of impact and service.

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Our Mission

our mission is clear and unwavering: to make a positive and lasting difference in the lives of those we touch.

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Featured campaigns

Project to build a school classroom

Building a school is more than construction; it's a community investment in education. This project aims to create a nurturing environment for learning, empowering children and fostering positive change. The school will serve as a hub for knowledge, providing essential skills and instilling a sense of curiosity. It symbolizes hope and the promise of a better future, breaking the cycle of poverty and contributing to sustainable community development. Together, we're building not just a structure but a vibrant center of learning for generations to come.


Goal: CFA 3.500.000

Raised: CFA 800.000

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What people say

Welcome to the world of our NGO’s inspiring stories. These testimonies reflect the victories, progress, and concrete hopes resulting from your support. Discover how each act of generosity positively impacts lives around the world. Thank you for being an essential link in this chain of solidarity.


The secret to happiness lies in helping others. Never underestimate the difference YOU can make in the lives of the poor

FWCDEV Location

  • +237 674 232 244
  • P.O Box 64 Bafoussam, West Region, Cameroon